Maybe you've read the content on this site, maybe you haven't. Either way, the bottom line for you may be "who is GD and what experience do they have?"
Worked with: AOL, Microsoft, Bayliner, Mt. Dew, RealNetworks, Pepsi, Stevens Pass, Schweitzer Mountain Resort, Fleetwood RV
Starting out with print design in 1996, Forrest has worked his way across most every aspect of the print and web mediums. Having worked from scrubbing print plates to streaming audio/video server administration and from drawing with conte crayons to working with the latest in digital rights management, Forrest has always seen that to be the best in one area, he needed to know the aspects of all the surrounding areas. His vast experience makes him a great person to lead a team with such a variety of individuals.
Worked with: TDK, Mercedes-Benz, BMG
Based in Berlin, winner of the 2003 European DVD Award for Best Music Compilation, and elected Chairman of Interface!Berlin - the Berlin multimedia group - Sven is an accomplished designer acknowledge by his peers.
Worked with: Viosport, Firetank Software
Kurt has worked for eight years as a professional web developer. His skills include PHP development, MySQL development and administration, JavaScript development, and an extensive knowledge of web related protocols and methods. Kurt has developed successful e-commerce websites, corporate intranets, client relation management (CRM) systems, custom content management systems (CMS) and continues to develop applications for a variety of uses.
Nolan holds a degree in English/Creative Writing from the University of Washington. He is a book author and editor, and was the Executive Editor for Hot Java Productions, a web-based book publishing company. He has edited web sites and currently owns and operates Radke Literary Agency.